Squash Tirol Beitrag auf FB Squash World auf Hauptseite
Gestern wurde von der FB Gruppe Squash World, ein Bild vom letzten Österreichischen Jugendturnier in Innsbruck, als Titelbild eingestellt.
Squash World ist eine Facebook Gruppe mit ca. 14.000 Mitglieder über die ganze Welt verteilt. Damit wird für unsere Squash Aktivitäten in Tirol und Österreich aufmerksam gemacht.
Hier auch noch ein Auszug aus meinem Kommetar:
Hello, we are here a squash comunity with 8 squash club over all Tyrol. Most of them have once or twice a week their club evenings with trainings and playing. We have an Tyrolean Squash League with 4/5 Teams and play with 2 Teams also in the Austrian League. I am the President of the Tyrolean Squash Association and try to get get our Squash Area on Life, which is hard in these days. I think we have an good Squash Infrastructure in our Area and we are an Land of Tourism. So if anybody is intersted to come over, alone or in a group, or to organize an Squash Camp im shure you will have an great holiday. Our clubs are open to people from outside and if you want to come over, just let me know, we will try to organize you an place to play squash. Our squash courts are from 576 m to 1280 m o Sea. You can go skiing, Snowboarding, ….. in our Area and we can also offer culture. So youre welcome to visit us – nice greetings from Tyrol – Austria. Helmut Pachner